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Top 5 places to hang out in Bukit Lawang

Bukit Lawang has been famous for many years for its breathtaking proximity to the Leuser ecosystem and the plethora of endangered and awe-inspiring animals found within it. It’s made its trekking name so loudly and so clearly, that many visiting tourists don’t give themselves enough time to discover the true essence of Bukit Lawang, the joyous phenomenon of ‘jam karet’, otherwise known as the art of ‘hanging out’.


Directly translated ‘jam karet’ means ‘rubber time’, or the stretching and warping of time. However, its true meaning is a little more romantic, something like surrendering yourself to a completely unplanned day, having no expectations or pre-assumptions and just seeing where the day takes you. Jam karet is all about indulging in the moment you are in right now, without worrying about the pressures or tasks of ‘real life’ or the life outside this moment; typically, this kind of approach leads the most colourful of days, a tapestry day, with many new friends, experiences and life lessons stitched into it.


So where are the best places in Bukit Lawang to hang out and indulge yourself in this delightful approach to life?

1.     Mammo’s Home Bakery- a pillar of the community, the slow café and bakery is run by husband and wife duo Kak Fitria and Bang Patrice. They have THE best cakes available in Bukit Lawang, and their daily menu offers a range of treats from fudge brownies to apple crumble, crem caramel to sourdough loaves. The added benefit is you’ll enjoy your sweet in good company, as many of the overseas volunteers and professionals choose to spend their afternoons in this little culinary oasis. Make sure to check their daily Instagram stories for the days menu and opening times!


2.     Jack’s Bar- the place to be on a Friday or Saturday night; enjoy the effortlessly cool and comfortable cocktail bar with their nightly live music performances. Feeling brave? They will even let you get up on stage and sing a few tunes yourself!


3.     Jungle Inn- one of the oldest establishments in Bukit Lawang, it’s located right at the top end of the river and boasts some of the most delicious smoothie bowls on the Bukit Lawang scene.


4.     Ibu Jun’s Warung- hands down the best local warung you will find at the entrance of the tourist centre, just up from the becak station. Her cooking is revered with all the expats who live here, along with the local rangers and many of the guides.

5.     Warung Iyem- just a little further up from Ibu Jun’s, every morning you will find all the guides munching on their morning mie (noodles), sipping their strong coffee looking out over the river. Great place to practice your Indonesian or to just slow down and see how the locals live!


Let us know what you think of each location in the comments!


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